Jumat, 08 Juli 2011


Hey there , I just want to tell , i'm a BIG HUGE fans of HARRY POTTER ! This Movie is great great wonderful ♥.♥ It makes me feel like to watch it again and again ,
Believe me , if you're seriously watch it , i'm sure you'll also feel the same with me ;p
One more thing to add , I know a lot about this movie , if you want to know something about it , you may ask me , i'll kindly answer your questions , hehe
Here i want to share a litte about it .

This is HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER STONE , the first series of Harry Potter , and this is where i begin to love Harry Potter ♥.♥

And this is HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRET , the second series of this movie , the HARRY POTTER here is so cute and adorable , isn't it ? ;p

This is HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN , the third series , there are many new characters here

Now we're talking about the fourth series of Harry Potter , HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE . On this series , Harry begin to date with a girl , hahah

And so , this is the fifth series of Harry Potter , HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF PHOENIX . Harry's character here is more emotional , like he feels anger easierly but still cool , wowowow
In this series , Harry was fighting againts Voldemort FACE TO FACE for the first time ! i think it's the reason why it's called -- THE REBELLION BEGINS --

This is the sixth series , HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE , and now i know who is the half blood prince , wicked !

And this is the part 1 of the seventh series of Harry Potter movie , HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS .
Dumbledore has dead , but Harry won't fight alone , he still has two best friends , Hermione and Ron ( i wish i have friends like them , tehee )

Finally , this is the last series of Harry Potter , it's part 2 of the seventh series , HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS .
You'll find all the truths on this series and this is really where the end begins and the last enemy is death ! I really wanna watch it right now !
I'm quite sad when this part launched , i'm afraid there's no more new series about Harry Potter ;(
But still feels happy because i can watch this movie soon !

And this is my favourite character on this movie, Harry Potter of course , hahah XD
really cool , cute and adorable , isn't it ? yes , of course ;p

This is my Harry Potter books collection , yeah , only two , but i take good care of these books a lot ! ♥.♥

You really have to watch it , it's a really great movie increase your curiosity .
One more thing to add again , i love " THE BOY WHO LIVE " this nickname so much , haha

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